Ana Nenadic

"A job isn't just a job, it's who you are."



I'm a front end developer with bachelor degree in business IT, passionate about front-end performance and adaptive/ responsive web design. I like to focus on client-side UX/UI development for all devices using web technologies (HTML, CSS & JavaScript).

My portfolio


The cake factory

The cake factory is a custom made, fully responsive web site. Contains carousel, contact form, navigation bar, etc. Made in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

Frogger - arcade game

Frogger is a arcade game where object of the game (player) has to cross a road full of enemies (bugs) to reach the water. The enemies move in varying speeds on the canvas. When player reach the water, without colliding with bugs, game is completed. Game is implemented in Object-Oriented JavaScript, HTML5 Canvas API, HTML5 and styled with CSS.

Memory game

Memory game (also known as Concentration) is a card matching game in which all cards are hidden and player has to clicks on cards to find the same pair of cards. Game is implemented in JavaScript and HTML and styled with CSS. is a custom made template for travel site, describing greatest travel experiences. The site is implemented in HTML and CSS, BOOTSTRAP. It contains menu, dropdown menu, carousel, gallery, contact form.

Hangman game

Hangman is a popular game implemented in JAVASCRIPT and HTML, styled in CSS.

Pixel art maker

Pixel art maker is a single-page web app that allows users to draw pixel art on a customizable canvas, implemented in JavaScript, HTML, CSS. is a Wordpress site about cooking with a lot of recipes. It contains menu, links, videos, carousel, gallery, contact form, etc. Site was built with various Wordpress plugins, in GeneratePress theme.

Fit forever

Fit forever is a student project where I built a site for school of swimming.

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