We all know the familiar ritual

The lights go down, everybody gets quiet. Mom enters the room with in the cake, while everybody’s singing “happy birthday to you.” The cake is in front of you, all those candles waiting to be blown out. You are the center of attention.

And since we’re all about sweet frozen things that make people happy, we have a few sweet things for the parents as well: our frozen pancakes, “Ready while you say…:” the formula of homemade, only a couple of minutes of heating away.

ice cream
Our store

Our story

The Cake Factory had its beginnings somewhere in 2007, when a family friend asked my sister Fara and me to do a “cookery demonstration” in their newly opened store. That little ad-hoc demonstration was followed by a sale of cakes – mainly Love Cake – a family favourite. The response we received was unexpected and heartwarming. The follow up orders from the demonstration gradually led us to the idea of starting our own little business.

Right from the start, our ethos was to focus on what we did best – baking cakes from scratch with wholesome ingredients using family heir –loom recipes and where the quality of the ingredients and the care at baking was key. Our approach was to bake a cake using traditional methods, following the old artisan tradition of wholesome baking. We followed the principle that a cake had to first taste good, the “look” was secondary.

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(301) 587-1599
123 123 4567